Full Streaming Psycho-Pass Movie in High Quality Video
Now you can enjoy Psycho-Pass Movie in top video format with duration 113 Min and has been launched in 2015-01-09 and MPAA rating is 5.- Original Title : 劇場版 サイコパス
- Movie title in your country : Psycho-Pass Movie
- Year of movie : 2015
- Genres of movie : Science Fiction, Animation, Action,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2015-01-09
- Companies of movie : Production I.G.,
- Countries of movie : Japan,
- Language of movie : 日本語, English,
- Durationof movie : 113 Min
- Average vote of movie : 7.8
- Youtube ID of movie : NZDFSvCPyLE
- Translation of movie : EN,DE,IT,ZH,JA,ES,FR,KO,RU,
- Actors of movie :Kana Hanazawa (Akane Tsunemori (voice)), Kenji Nojima (Nobuchika Ginoza (voice)), Ayane Sakura (Mika Shimotsuki (voice)), Shizuka Ito (Yayoi Kunizuka (voice)), Miyuki Sawashiro (Shion Karanomori (voice)), Hiroki Touchi (Teppei Sugo (voice)), Takahiro Sakurai (Sho Hinakawa (voice)), Tomokazu Seki (Shinya Kogami (voice)), Noriko Hidaka (Dominator/Sibyl System (voice)), Unshō Ishizuka (Desmond Rutaganda (voice)), Hiroshi Kamiya (Nicholas Wong (voice)), Kazuhiro Yamaji (Jouji Saiga (voice))
Movie summary of Psycho-Pass Movie :
Watch full Psycho-Pass Movie in Best Video Format with movie plot "Year 2116—The Japanese government begins to export the Sibyl System unmanned drone robots to troubled countries, and the system spreads throughout the world. A state in the midst of a civil war, SEAUn (the South East Asia Union), brings in the Sibyl System as an experiment. Under the new system, the coastal town of Shambala Float achieves temporary peace and safety. But then SEAUn sends terrorists to Japan. They slip through the Sibyl System and then attack from within. The shadow of a certain man falls on this incident. In charge of the police, Tsunemori travels to Shambala Float to investigate. The truth of justice on this new ground will become clear." in HD format. Free Streaming Psycho-Pass Movie in High Quality Video by viewing the download link.
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Writer : Gen Urobuchi, Script : Makoto Fukami, Executive Producer : Gen Fukunaga, Director : Katsuyuki Motohiro, Director : Naoyoshi Shiotani, Music : Yûgo Kanno, Editor : Yoshinori Murakami
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Tags: civil war, conspiracy, cyberpunk, terrorism, crime, injustice,
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